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  • Work-Life Balance Across Generations

    A common reason job seekers start looking for employment with job agencies in NJ like Spectrum is because of a need for work-life balance. While money and stability are important, without adequate time off, the risk of burnout is too high to be worth it in the long term. However, while the need for work-life balance is generally universal, what it actually looks like will depend on one’s unique circumstances and stage of life. Learn more about the differences between desirable work-life balance across generations:

    Baby Boomers (1945-1960)

    Back when Baby Boomers started their careers, workers were more likely to stay at their employers for decades and through hard work, would make their way up the ranks. Stability and job security tends to be more of a priority than work-life balance – which makes sense due to the fact Baby Boomers grew up in harsher post-WWII economic conditions, in which job scarcity was so much of a real threat that work stress and burnout wasn’t thought of as much. 

    Related post: Four Signs You’re Getting Worn Down and Need a Break from Work

    Gen X (1961-1980)

    Raised by Baby Boomers in a time when divorce and dual-income households became more commonplace while birth rates declined, Gen X grew up being more self-sufficient and independent. As such, they were more willing to push back against authority than their parents’ generation and ask for work-life balance. Gen X generally values work-life balance in the form of autonomy, such as schedule flexibility, as well as paid parental leave and generous paid time off.

    Millennial (1981-2000)

    If Gen X pioneered the movement for work-life balance, it was Millennials who made it a mainstream endeavor for employers. Millennials entered the workforce at a time in which technology, especially smart devices, blurred the lines between work and personal time. Since they can be accessible and able to perform many work tasks anytime and anywhere, Millennials don’t tend to be as accepting of the reasoning behind being in a physical location at a certain time to do their jobs. Their definition of work-life balance typically revolves around being able to work remotely, set their own hours, and take adequate time off.

    Are you ready to start looking for new job opportunities? Turn to Spectrum Staffing Services, one of the top job agencies in NJ. Our team of professional recruiting specialists will work with you to learn about your qualifications, and match you with the opportunities that are the best fit for you. Learn more – search Spectrum’s current open positions.

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